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Teacher resources

Navigating VR: a playbook for teachers

Five ways VR can be your best friend in a classroom

Get into a classroom, and you’ll see a world overflowing with eager learners, all set to make it big in life. But what truly powers this dynamic space is more than knowledge; it’s the magic woven by dedicated teachers. The power that holds such a classroom filled with diverse interests is a teacher. Teachers are more than just purveyors of knowledge. They’re the driving force behind curious and inspired learners. Here’s simplifying how VR can be a handy tool for effective teaching and classroom management

Efficient classroom management

Managing classes becomes as effortless as a magician's sleight of hand with VR. Much like Google Classroom, our platform enables you to establish classes and add lessons with a few clicks. You have the flexibility to select the most suitable modules, tours, or 360-degree videos for each class. This capability allows you to organize your students and content.

Our classroom management software is your chance to hassle-free class creation, simplified roster management, and seamless VR integration into your teaching methods. With these intuitive features at your disposal, you can focus on what truly matters – delivering captivating and immersive educational experiences for your students.

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